Let’s remember the main characteristic of CHABAZITE: its framework is able to chemically retain the molecules of ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4+).
If the molecules of ammoniacal nitrogen are retained inside of the CHABAZITE framework, they don’t convert to NH3; this means that they don’t turn into ammonia and bad smell is reduced.
With the decrease of the bad smell there is an improvement of animal welfare. In fact, also for us it should be impossible to spend all the day with our nose over a bottle of ammonia.
If NH4+decreases, also the risk of pollution is reduced.
Nutrients cannot enter into the CHABAZITE’s framework: proteins, vitamins etc. have large molecules and cannot penetrate into the structure of CHABAZITE.
Our product is dried in owen at 200 °C: inert par excellence, we consign it dried, so you don’t buy water!
At this point, for those who have not yet tried the effectiveness of our CHABASITE, all that remains to do is to test it.